Providing excellence in pet care throughout Greater Lowell and surrounding towns since 2009!
"Best Pet Care in Lowell"
2020, 2023 & 2024

What people are saying...​
What people are saying...​

"Just walked in to two very happy pooches! Thanks so much for taking care of them"-- Caitlin R.
"Just wanted to publicly thank you for being an amazing team of people.
In the 2 days we've been having walks I've noticed a huge improvement in Gretchen.
She's much calmer and has gone back to being her wonderful relaxed and groovy self." -- Chris F.
"Thanks for being so great to our fur-kids! The couple subletting our place in Lowell have 2 cats
and I've already given them the Bark Ave. contact info in case they need a sitter."-- Kevin B.
"Cheryl from Bark Avenue - you are amazing. I appreciate your putting me in touch with so many of these folks!
I look forward to a continued working relationship with you and these vendors."-- Hilary, Dog-a-palooza Event Director
"I can't thank both you and Michelle enough for taking such great care of my guy, Scout!
He had a tough life before I adopted him and it means the world to me to know that you both are looking out for him
when I'm at work and care about him as much as I do!! It makes it easier to leave that little face every morning!"
-- Stephanie S.
"OMG! U R the best ! Thank you so very much. I know he is in good hands. I'll say it again. U R the best!" -- Rene J.
"Love their service..."-- Jay M.
"Thanks for being so nice to Kody!" -- Mike C.
"Thank You so much for all you do for Luke!"-- Pat M.
"Thank You, Cheryl for such phenomenal service--you have helped so much. We are lucky to have found you!"-- Joanne and Wayne B.
"Just wanted to let you know that when I was on the phone this morning
I said the name 'Cheryl'. Right then Dudley perked up, went to the door and started crying,
then paced between his leash and the door for like 2 minutes."-- Kelly N.
"Just wanted to say Thank You for all you do for my baby. I don't know what I would
do if I didn't have you taking care of him for me."-- Tricia M.
"We wanted to show our appreciation for your time, love
and generosity on caring for our Max. Max is a better dog
because of you and we are so happy!"-- Dan and Laura F.
"Thanks so much for all your help, the dogs love you."-- Ryan R.
"Thanks for everything!"-- Rudi and Carol S.
"You've been so great every time we've needed a sitter,
even last minute. We really appreciate it!!!"-- Cynthia S.
"Thanks Cheryl. I couldn't have got through
this semester without you. Thanks for all your help."-- Donna A.
"I predict big things for you."-- Ellen C.
"We read and enjoy the notes you leave us with each visit! You have a very professional style which we appreciate."
-- Sarah and Steve N.
"You've been a life saver the last year and a half. Thanks so much!!!"-- Alicia V.
"I wanted to tell you how much we appreciated your help with Dazzle.
You were very understanding of our concern for him."-- Mary E.
"Just got home. Everyone looks great. Thanks so much!!! Ur the best!"-- Sharon D.
"Cheryl, thank you for taking such good care of our precious "kids".
They were so cute when we came home and looked great!"-- Cheryl S.
"It is wonderful to know that there is a person in the area that I can fully
trust to enter my residence and take care of my animals when I'm away.
Thank you again for doing such a wonderful job." -- Monica L.
"I just wanted to let you know how happy we are at your quality of care you gave our kids and that you made our trip
so much more relaxed with your text updates filling us in on how their day was going.
Your professionalism and flexibility were greatly appreciated!
You don't know how much of a relief it is to know that we can go away and know that we can count
on your services to give our kids the love and care they need." -- Deb and John B.
"Thank you so much for taking such good care of our two cats,
Silky and Sunny. It allowed us to enjoy our time away.
Your services are performed professionally and with great attention." -- Ruth and Joe V.
"I am very thankful there is someone like you available!
I was really skeptical at the idea of having anyone come into my apartment
when I'm not there, especially to take care of my "baby",
but 10 seconds into meeting you and I was reassured there
was nothing to worry about and that took a HUGE load off my mind!" -- Jessie C.
"We REALLY appreciate you taking care of Rocco every day!!!
You do so much more then just walking him." -- Rob and Jen E.
"I am thrilled that things have worked out so well!"-- Jeff K.
"Our life is lighter knowing that such a caring person is attending to
our dog (babe). So glad we have you!"-- Kate and Jon M.
"Ma enjoys the company that you provide daily and looks forward
to seeing you each day. Keep up the great work
and hope to cross paths with you someday at the house." -- David B.
"The boys were super happy to see Cheryl
and wiggled for like five minutes straight after she dropped by.
If that isn't the sign of a great dog walker, I don't know what is!"
-- Holly R.